Australia’s new policy is to ‘shape’ our strategic environment. It’s ironic that as Canberra embraces shaping, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has quietly dropped its review of Australia’s soft power.
After a year of bushfires, floods, and drought, the Australian agricultural industry is on the road to recovery. One of the countries that will play a major role in helping heal this industry is Australia’s biggest neighbour, Indonesia.
Indonesia will temporarily remove a luxury tax on sales of some cars to bolster its automotive industry, which has been badly hit by mobility restrictions to contain the coronavirus epidemic, its economic ministry said.
Southeast Asia is at the heart of many global supply chains, acting as a valued trade, investment and growth driver for the region. In the global race to net-zero, there is a growing need to recognize and tackle the carbon emissions burden of supply chains.
Communication remains at the heart of effective diplomacy. The inability for formal and informal diplomatic conversations to take place online has provided considerable challenges to international affairs.
Like many world leaders, Indonesian President Joko Widodo is hoping that 2021 will be a bounce-back year after a terrible 2020. This week he is scheduled to become the first Indonesian vaccinated against the novel coronavirus, kicking off an ambitious plan to vaccinate more than 180 million people in just 15 months.
Imagine you can visit the beautiful tropical island of Lombok in eastern Indonesia from the comfort of your couch through your laptop Read more
“Now, when our economy and workers are hurting so much, the companies making the most from Indonesia’s natural resource wealth should pay their fair share of tax and support our country,” TII’s Danang said in a press release.”
Among those making up the grain harvest receivals team at the Australian silo site in northern NSW, are Indonesian workers Tantan Mukti and Caecilia Chanata.
The Australian Government has unexpectedly announced that Australia will make a $ 1.5 billion COVID-related support loan to Indonesia. Australia’s assistance program to Indonesia has lagged somewhat in recent years. Indeed, the fall in support to Indonesia had begun to attract comment. But in one stroke, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s announcement late last week significantly strengthened Australia’s economic diplomacy in Southeast Asia.
Indonesia will assume the Group of 20 (G-20) presidency in 2022 after a swap with India, which will chair the world’s biggest economies summit in 2023, the Indonesian foreign minister said on Sunday (Nov 22).
Fifty years ago this month, Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs was born, casting aside its old moniker, External Affairs. The name changed as Australia changed. The switch from External Affairs to Foreign Affairs was a small expression of big shifts.
Indonesian national and city governments have rushed to enrol more entrepreneurs in the course, to prepare them to succeed in online markets.
With “few players and plenty of potential”, EdTech companies could expand to a wider market, including vocational training and the digitization of schools.
Thirty-five global investors managing $4.1 trillion in assets have warned Indonesia’s government that its job creation bill passed by parliament on Monday poses new risks.
A letter from 35 investors said “While we recognise the necessity for reform… we have concerns about the negative impact of certain environmental protection measures”.