Taiwanese group partners with coal miner Indika Energy in diversification push.
Media update
The beat of dangdut music is a familiar soundtrack to daily life in Indonesian rural and urban villages.
The soul of electric vehicles is sustainability. The EV industry’s kryptonite, however, is not its carbon footprint, but rather the unnecessary loss of high-grade biodiversity associated with sourcing minerals.
The chief of Indonesia police’s anti-terror squad has warned that violent extremism still poses a danger, admitting authorities are powerless to stop jihadists from spreading their ideology on social media.
Inflation in the wake of a recent fuel price increase has child protection specialists worried that the number of school dropouts is trending upwards.
In the universe of global image-making, Bali shines as one of the brightest stars in the constellation of places deemed nearest to paradise on earth.
Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi highlighted Indonesia’s role in strengthening global health infrastructure through the Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) Program agreed upon by G20 under Indonesia’s presidency.
India’s G20 chief coordinator Harsh V Shringla has discussed with officials of Indonesia–the host of the November G20 Summit—ideas and best practices for the group’s seventeenth meeting in Bali.
The economy is prospering despite the sense of crisis elsewhere, but the country’s politics could become more unstable
Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati melakukan Economic Policy Dialogue (EPD) serta pembaruan kerjasama bilateral dengan Menteri Keuangan Australia Jim Chalmers di Canberra, Australia.
On 18 September, renowned Indonesian scholar of Islam Professor Azyumardi Azra died suddenly of a heart attack. He was in Kuala Lumpur, where he was to participate in a seminar on “cosmopolitan Islam”.
But Jakarta is likely to weigh carefully the domestic political benefits of cheap oil against possible international blowback.
Indonesian palm oil producers are whittling down their hefty inventory overhang with discounts versus rivals and aggressive sales to India.
In a coastal community on Indonesia’s Java island, villagers must constantly take soil and stones to local graveyards to secure the resting places of their dead friends and relatives.
An inconspicuous yet important agenda for Indonesian President Joko Widodo is getting underway as the world’s
most populous Muslim nation aims to bring radicals under control.
Indonesia is not a wheat producer. However, there is actually research that has been running for more than two decades to develop tropical wheat in Indonesia.