What targets has the Indonesian government set for itself, how were these targets formulated, and did they change as a result of COP-26? Is the government united in its response to climate change? And does Indonesia have the capacity to implement its climate change response framework?
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Indonesia’s daily economic life is underpinned by millions of small and medium enterprises that are found in the laneways, roadsides and retail streets of this busy nation. They account for 97 percent of the domestic workforce and 60 percent of national economic growth.
Staying afloat: research discovers women’s unique views of COVID-19 in an Indonesian fishing village
For female residents in Tambak Lorok, a small Indonesian fishing village in Central Java where access to water and hygiene is difficult and open defecation is common, they have a bigger problem than the pandemic.
Indonesia has been hit particularly hard [by COVID-19]. Tourism businesses have had no choice but to reduce business hours, lay off employees and implement pay cuts.
The Australia-Indonesia Centre and the government of South Sulawesi have further progressed their partnership by agreeing to establish a joint-working group which puts a focus on the areas of health and wellbeing, and the local economy.
The Citarum is the longest and largest river in West Java, running 270km through thousands of communities to connect the people, villages and landscape of the most populous province in Indonesia.
Tidaklah cukup bagi peneliti untuk melakukan pekerjaannya dengan baik dan berharap bahwa orang lain akan mengetahui bagaimana hal tersebut dapat diterapkan – mereka juga harus mengembangkan narasi tentang perubahan apa yang dapat dibuat oleh penelitian mereka dan bagaimana caranya.
As Indonesia becomes the world’s COVID-19 epicentre, writer and activist Putu Oka Sukanta’s poetry reflects how the pandemic has changed human relations and ways to maintain optimism and resilience.
Danastri Rizky Nabilah, a filmmaker from Yogyakarta – a city in Indonesia known for its education and art – has no choice but to sell snacks after losing up to 40% of her income during the pandemic.
In July, Indonesia recorded its highest daily numbers of Covid-19 cases, making it the epicentre of the global pandemic, ahead of India and Brazil.
More than a year into the pandemic, Indonesia has the most COVID-19 cases and highest fatality rate in Southeast Asia and still grapples with disorganised COVID-19 data management.
The Australia Indonesia Centre is delighted at this announcement as it follows on from the work of one of its earliest collaborative research efforts and a relationship built with provincial leaders.
Research from PAIR suggests Indonesia should partner with developed nations, such as Australia, to build resilient and responsive healthcare supply chains involving modern digital technologies.
Memasuki bulan keenam vaksinasi COVID-19 di Indonesia, tampaknya pemerintah sulit mencapai target untuk menuntaskan vaksinasi pada 70 persen populasi paling cepat akhir tahun ini dan paling lambat Maret tahun depan.
NAIDOC week has just begun and, after several tumultuous years of disasters in Australia, the theme this year is Heal Country. In the last two years, Australia has suffered crippling drought that saw the Darling-Baaka run dry, catastrophic bushfires, and major flooding throughout coastal and inland areas of Australia’s east.
Pandemi COVID-19 sangat mempengaruhi sektor kesehatan di Indonesia, negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Salah satu dampak yang paling serius adalah tingginya angka infeksi dan kematian di kalangan tenaga kesehatan.