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Talking Indonesia: climate change

What targets has the Indonesian government set for itself, how were these targets formulated, and did they change as a result of COP-26? Is the government united in its response to climate change? And does Indonesia have the capacity to implement its climate change response framework?

Penelitian berdampak luas dan kebutuhan akan narasi

Tidaklah cukup bagi peneliti untuk melakukan pekerjaannya dengan baik dan berharap bahwa orang lain akan mengetahui bagaimana hal tersebut dapat diterapkan – mereka juga harus mengembangkan narasi tentang perubahan apa yang dapat dibuat oleh penelitian mereka dan bagaimana caranya.

Three ways you can help in NAIDOC’s call to Heal Country

NAIDOC week has just begun and, after several tumultuous years of disasters in Australia, the theme this year is Heal Country. In the last two years, Australia has suffered crippling drought that saw the Darling-Baaka run dry, catastrophic bushfires, and major flooding throughout coastal and inland areas of Australia’s east.

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