Danastri Rizky Nabilah, a filmmaker from Yogyakarta – a city in Indonesia known for its education and art – has no choice but to sell snacks after losing up to 40% of her income during the pandemic.
From The Conversation
The Indonesian government recently announced plans to send 8,000 Jakarta-based civil servants to work remotely in Bali to help the tourism-dependent economy rebound from the pandemic.
More than a year into the pandemic, Indonesia has the most COVID-19 cases and highest fatality rate in Southeast Asia and still grapples with disorganised COVID-19 data management.
Lebih dari setahun dalam bekapan pandemi, Indonesia memiliki angka kasus COVID-19 terbanyak dan tingkat kematian tertinggi di Asia Tenggara.
Memasuki bulan keenam vaksinasi COVID-19 di Indonesia, tampaknya pemerintah sulit mencapai target untuk menuntaskan vaksinasi pada 70 persen populasi paling cepat akhir tahun ini dan paling lambat Maret tahun depan.
NAIDOC week has just begun and, after several tumultuous years of disasters in Australia, the theme this year is Heal Country. In the last two years, Australia has suffered crippling drought that saw the Darling-Baaka run dry, catastrophic bushfires, and major flooding throughout coastal and inland areas of Australia’s east.
Pandemi COVID-19 sangat mempengaruhi sektor kesehatan di Indonesia, negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Salah satu dampak yang paling serius adalah tingginya angka infeksi dan kematian di kalangan tenaga kesehatan.
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the healthcare sector in Southeast Asia’s largest economy, Indonesia. One of the most devastating effects is a high infection and mortality rate among healthcare workers.
It’s time for scholars to stop being naive and anti-politics.
Perkembangan sistem penanganan napi teroris perempuan tidak secepat peningkatan jumlah. Stereotip keliru tentang napi terorisme perempuan – antara kolaborator pasif atau monster dengan gangguan jiwa – serta jumlah mereka yang relatif sedikit membuat mereka bukan prioritas.
Tigers could once be found across much of Asia, from eastern Turkey to Siberia and Indonesia. Today, they are reduced to living in just 6% of their former range.
The dating of an exceptionally old cave painting of animals that was found recently on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi is reported in our paper out today.
Whether it’s purchasing power parity or the Happiness Index, global comparisons require benchmarking. Sport does this well with World Cups and the Olympics, or better still the single ranking familiar to tennis and golf aficionados.
Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of the gel-containing seaweeds known as hydrocolloid seaweeds. Unlike food seaweeds, produced mainly in China, South Korea, North Korea and Japan, hydrocolloid seaweeds are used to extract gels used in a range of applications, including as a thickener in food processing and as a biomaterial for pharmaceutical applications.
Indonesia is a world leader in the number of free-to-read published research journals. We will explain what this means for the research Read more
Indonesian women carry the burden of unpaid work, including care-giving, due to persistent gender inequality in Indonesian society and segregation in the labour market.