As Indonesia seeks to educate its massive population, direct partnerships between training institutions in Indonesia and Australia will be crucial in making it a reality.
Skills Futures
The morning before sunrise has always been a busy time for students and tea farmers at Tugu Utara village in Bogor, West Java.
Direktur Jenderal Perkeretaaapian Kementerian Perhubungan mempercepat pengerjaan jalur kereta api pertama di Sulawesi. Langkah ini sebagai upaya mengejar target operasi di Oktober 2022.
Acara kolaborasi antara organisasi AIYA Victoria dengan PPIA Monash bernamakan Belajar Bersama Hari Selasa atau yang sering disingkat dengan “” merupakan…
Visiting Jakarta this week, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Australia and Indonesia are linked not just by geography, but by choice.
COVID-19 hit Indonesia in March 2020. From then until early 2022, schools have been mostly closed and children have been learning from home.
A webinar entitled Indonesia and Australia: SDG’s Supported Sustainable Economic Transformation, hosted by Monash University and XSPI, addressed themes of trade, sustainability and the digital economy.
The Republic of Indonesia hopes to rebound from the pandemic by bolstering its creative and tourism economies. To do this, it requires instilling young Indonesians with new digital and green skills with the intent to draw in tourists.
Despite successes, sustainability in the Indonesian video game industry isn’t guaranteed; Eka Pramudita of Mojiken Studio estimated the average lifespan of a local development studio to be only five years.
RISE PhD Robyn Mansfield has developed a logic model for transforming urban planning organisations to mainstream children’s participation in policy and action.
PT Tbk resmi mengangkat Willix Halim sebagai Chief Executive Officer (CEO) perseroan yang baru.
Senior HR leaders talk us through the skilling landscape in Indonesia – setting priorities, building in-house talent and managing screen fatigue.
Indonesia’s digital transformation office says digital literacy must continue to be enhanced, so that the use of available technology and services can be more optimal.
The Indonesian unicorn’s first international base aims to recruit new talent and will also serve as an L&D centre for Australian & Indonesian engineers who specialise in analytics, AI and R&D.
The 2021 PAIR summit heard several ideas for ensuring a strong Indonesian tourism sector post-pandemic.
Indonesia’s daily economic life is underpinned by millions of small and medium enterprises that are found in the laneways, roadsides and retail streets of this busy nation. They account for 97 percent of the domestic workforce and 60 percent of national economic growth.