Revising the 2003 Labour law is unpopular, but it is top of the list that foreign investors hope Widodo will tackle in his second term in office.
Skills Futures
The index also shows that Indonesian women earn only half of the men’s estimated income, with a 0.505 ratio. When it comes to wage equality for similar work, however, Indonesia is doing better.
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said he aims to provide nationwide vocational training to reduce the country’s unemployment rate, which was 5.28 percent as of August.
Indonesian students are among the lowest performers in Southeast Asia, says a recent report released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD.
40% of projects were gender-blind with respect to the design and impact of their activities. This means that activities may have further entrenched processes that disadvantage women.
“In recent years, I think the government has been focusing on maintaining and improving enrolment levels as well as improving school facilities… but we [still] have issues in terms of quality.”
At least 25 percent and up to 49 percent of Indonesian children under the age of five are never issued a birth certificate, putting them in danger of being exploited.
The targeted beneficiaries of the proposed solutions included housewives, retirees and low-income families, but first, senior policymakers must be convinced to implement the plans.
“As the digital technology movement would enable new kind of jobs in Indonesia, it would accommodate the diaspora with a lot of work opportunities and problems to be solved.”
Indonesia, ASEAN’s largest economy, could be running out of time to equip its people with the necessary skills, attitudes and knowledge to stay competitive, particularly with its talent shortage of more than 50 percent.
Skills Future presents an explanation of the qualifications frameworks used in Australia and Indonesia, the education systems and regulators as well as analysing the similarities and differences of the two systems.
“The problem is now how we, including university administrators, as part of society, help change the mindset of people towards disabilities. It’s also our responsibility as able-bodied persons.”
Out of 79 assessed countries and economies, Indonesia ranked 73rd in mathematics, 74th in reading and 71st in science.
The Bill would aim to create the “same opportunity” for everyone in the labour market to get a job, while companies would also be incentivised to upgrade labour skills, said Dr Sri Mulyani.
Whether the young blood additions to Jokowi’s cabinet can make their voices heard over a notoriously slow-moving bureaucracy remains to be seen.
“One of the main skills gaps in their graduate recruits from Indonesian universities was leadership skills; critical thinking; a capacity to see the ‘big picture’ of what they were doing.”