Five students from UGM’s Geodetic Engineering Department received the Diamond Award in the B2 Higher Institution Student category for their website and Android application CulturIS-3D, which aims to instill cultural values in millennials.
Skills Futures
Courses on how to make peanut salad and layered pudding, among others, have led critics to wonder if the training programme would really help job seekers.
To better understand how researchers collaborate, the Centre commissioned Dr Martijn van der Kamp of Monash University’s Business School to review the first five years of its research process.
Bayu observed that young children wanted something interactive, such as video games on gadgets. From here comes the idea of creating a learning app, Banana.
With her two children at home on account of the coronavirus pandemic, Puspita, 35, is following a brand new routine nowadays which involves posting WhatsApp updates about her kids performing school-related tasks at home.
With schools closed since Mar 16 to curb the spread of COVID-19, Siti Patonah’s daughter’s teachers have been sending videos to the parents for the students to watch.
After almost 5 years fighting her way through a mechanical engineering degree at one of Indonesia’s top schools, 24-year-old Tya thought she could breathe a sigh of relief upon graduating in September last year.
The Australian Government is making a number of changes to temporary visa holder arrangements that will make it easier for Indonesians currently studying in Australia during the coronavirus crisis to remain in Australia should they wish to do so.
International students in Australia have been hit hard by the economic impacts of COVID-19. With many now unemployed and unable to return home, those working to support them say time is running out.
In recent years, some scientists have complained about what they perceive as a sort of hostility on the part of the government toward scientists.
Universities are likely to lose billions of dollars in revenue this year because of the pandemic and Professor Schmidt has warned the sector needs long-term certainty as it confronts the disruption to its teaching and research.
Users can access Zenius’ services on Gojek’s app, including live teaching and study planning features, and more than 80,000 learning videos and practice questions for elementary to high-school students.
The Covid-19 outbreak is an unprecedented public health crisis. Yet it has also exposed the worst in university administrations across the world.
“I’m making myself available in the mornings to listen to anyone but I try to do science in the afternoon, whether it’s looking at theory or checking calculations.” [Free registration]
IA-CEPA will result in a significant boost to Australian businesses seeking to undertake greater trade and investment with Indonesian businesses and consumers.
According to the Chancellor, the issuance of this circular based on several considerations, such as the number of positive Covid-19 patients and patients under surveillance, increased significantly both in the DIY and at the national level.