Indonesia’s national data center has been compromised by a hacking group asking for a $8 million ransom that the government says it won’t pay.
Human Rights
Morwan Mohammad walks down an old hotel corridor on Batam Island in northwestern Indonesia before entering a 6-square-meter (64-square-foot) room that has been home to him and his growing family for eight years.
Critical minerals producers are lauded by the government for creating jobs and generating revenue, and they market themselves as socially responsible. But they are neglecting the safety of their workers under a cover of weak regulations and government protection.
When policies supporting LGBT staff clash with local realities, some companies back down, while others find a way to bridge the divide.
A familiar approach was floated by Indonesia when news broke about social platform X’s decision to officially allow pornographic content: Ban and block it.
Thousands of workers in Indonesia have rallied in front of the Presidential Palace in Jakarta to protest a new plan to take from their salaries to support a national housing scheme.
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) revealed that almost 10 million of Indonesia’s Generation Z residents aged 15-24 are unemployed or without activities (not in employment, education, and training/NEET).
Dandhy Dwi Laksono has made documentaries and won human rights awards, but he says his highest achievement might be yet to come — violating Indonesia’s proposed new Broadcasting Law.
Campaigners are taking legal action to stop four palm oil companies from clearing vast tracts of forest for plantations.
What’s the connection between your smartphone and crocodile attacks? It’s quite straightforward.
Despite several issues with the noken system, chief among them the lack of representation of Papuan women, the Constitutional Court of Indonesia has upheld its use in Papua as a form of indigenous deliberative democracy.
Coming to terms with the past and the search for justice in light of the events of the past are issues that are mainly addressed by young Indonesians, but could also pose new challenges for the newly elected President Prabowo Subianto.– Ketua Perkumpulan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia (PPDI) Sulawesi Selatan mengkritik desain bangunan Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) yang dinilai belum ramah untuk kelompok disabilitas, utamanya disabilitas fisik.
Lawyer Haris Azhar shares how the law has been used to intimidate human rights defenders.
Journalist organizations and members of the public have come out against a broadcasting bill they say would stifle the freedom of the press through vague and problematic provisions, including one they fear could curb investigative journalism on screen.
Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said the Indonesian government is committed to expanding the coverage and benefits of social protection for people with disabilities.