UN rights experts have raised alarm over forced evictions and threats against human rights defenders to make way for a $3 billion tourism project on the Indonesian island of Lombok.
Human Rights
Perkembangan sistem penanganan napi teroris perempuan tidak secepat peningkatan jumlah. Stereotip keliru tentang napi terorisme perempuan – antara kolaborator pasif atau monster dengan gangguan jiwa – serta jumlah mereka yang relatif sedikit membuat mereka bukan prioritas.
Women and girls across the country can face “intense and constant” pressure to wear the hijab, said Human Rights Watch Indonesia researcher Read more
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic violence was already one of the most significant human rights violations, but the pandemic has made Read more
Like many Indonesians, Maria Qibti, 32, was unaware of the existence of Article 81 of Law No. 13/2003 on labor, which allows women to take two days of paid leave when they are menstruating.
The decree, which applies to public schools in the Muslim-majority country, came after a Christian father confronted an official at his daughter’s school.
Kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan, khususnya pada penyandang disabilitas semakin meningkat. Berdasarkan data yang diperolah dari Komisi Nasional Anti-Kekerasan (KOMNAS) terhadap Perempuan, selama kurun waktu 12 tahun, kekerasan terhadap perempuan meningkat 800%
A North Aceh woman has been forced to take her six-month-old baby to prison after she was convicted of defamation under the Information and Electronic Transactions Act (UU ITE)…
Ifa Hanifah Misbach, a psychologist in Bandung, spoke about her clients who had suffered “body dysmorphic disorder” after being bullied into wearing a jilbab.
In an unexpected announcement, Joko Widodo this month called upon Indonesia’s military and police leadership to “improve supervision to ensure that the implementation of the… ITE Law can be in compliance with the principle of accountability and provide the public sense of justice”.
How would you feel if you found out that the beautiful pair of shoes you bought last week were sewn with the hands of a hungry child who works long hours to earn so little?
A human rights group in Indonesia has called for changes to provisions in the criminal code dealing with detaining suspects following more than 100 reported cases of police abuses including torture against prisoners in custody.
For Nyarwi, if a good and healthy ecosystem appeared within a democracy, there would also be healthy various public discussions and criticisms that can likely improve the government and state apparatus’s performance. Accordingly, there must be an evaluation of the definition of criticism.
Authorities in Indonesia’s Aceh province publicly flogged two gay men 77 times each on Thursday after a vigilante mob raided their apartment in November, allegedly caught them having sex, and handed them over to the police.
The Indonesian government should actively enforce a new decree that bans abusive, discriminatory dress codes for female students and teachers in Indonesia’s state schools, Human Rights Watch said today.
To commemorate the International Day of Human Fraternity that falls on Feb. 4, the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity grants the Zayed Award of Human Fraternity to individuals who strive for bringing people together to advance humanity.