When Dorce Gamalama — a prominent transgender entertainer, singer, talk show host, comedienne and celebrity for the greater part of the last four decades — passed away on 16 February 2022, Indonesians’ ubiquitous WhatsApp groups and other social media platforms exploded with expressions of condolence.
Human Rights
Provincial chief recruits legal experts to fight cases for indigenous people in the restive Indonesian region
Jakarta tightens use of loudspeakers at dawn, limits volume to 100 decibels.
For a minority ethnic group like the Indonesian Chinese, who make up less than two per cent of Indonesia’s population, its history of name-giving has been both colourful and contentious.
The country’s marriage statistics obscure a significant rise in unregistered unions involving children and adolescents.
The 2021 film Penyalin Cahaya (Photocopier), co-written and directed by Wregas Bhanuteja, has recently found itself at the center of the ongoing debate on sexual violence in Indonesia.
Dutch troops used “extreme violence” — often deliberately — during Indonesia’s 1940s war for independence, and military leaders and politicians in the Netherlands largely ignored the excesses, a long-running research project concluded in findings published Thursday.
The House of Representatives has yet to receive an official letter from the government to kick start the deliberation process for the sexual violence bill, House speaker Puan Maharani has said, despite earlier claims that the government had sent the letter.
Indonesia’s push for G20 countries to establish a global fund dedicated to health care has elicited positive feedback from other countries and the WHO.
Women’s political representation is not only meaningful in terms of fulfilling the quota of 30 percent within the parliament, but also it affects substantive matters such as gender-friendly policies.
The Indonesian government on February 11 allowed functioning of Hindu and Buddhist religious rituals at the Prambanan temple and Borobudur temple as it restored Asia’s most renowned sacred sites for the religious interests of Hindus and Buddhists in Indonesia and the World.
“Saya perempuan. Saya punya kelamin perempuan. Ya mandikan saya dengan pakaian perempuan. saya mau dimakamkan sebagai perempuan,” tegas Dorce Gamalama dalam wawancara di Youtube Denny Sumargo.
The Indonesian government has decided, in the name of humanity, to accommodate the Rohingya refugees currently adrift at sea.
Dalam PAIR Summit, para pembicara menjabarkan bahwa pandemi COVID-19 telah membawa banyak tantangan bagi penyandang disabilitas di Indonesia. Tetapi mereka juga menanggapi dengan berbagai strategi dibarengi dengan rasa kebersamaan yang tinggi.
The PAIR summit heard that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it much difficulty for disabled Indonesians. But they and their allies have also responded with great ingenuity and sense of community.
Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Malaysia, Hermono, mengatakan apa yang dialami ibu dan anak ini hanya puncak gunung dari kasus “kerja paksa” yang banyak menimpa pekerja migran Indonesia di sektor rumah tangga.