Demonstrators urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop the invasion immediately. The protesters concluded the military invasion could lead to various serious human rights violations. Most of the war victims were also civilians, especially women and children, the demonstrators said.
Human Rights
The Indonesian and Australian governments agreed to push for the empowerment of women and daughters, who bore the brunt of health, economic, and humanitarian impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, through dialogues among women leaders.
RISE PhD Robyn Mansfield has developed a logic model for transforming urban planning organisations to mainstream children’s participation in policy and action.
Many men in Indonesia still seem to believe that divorced women are promiscuous, leading to sexual harassment and abuse. How is the Save Janda organisation combatting the stigmatisation of divorced women?
The Indonesian public, especially online, continues to sympathise with (if not outright support) the Russian position. Pro-Russian Twitter threads have been incredibly popular among Indonesians.
Indonesian film workers have launched their own #MeToo campaign to eliminate sexual violence across the industry.
The government’s involvement in tackling gender discrimination is necessary, especially in terms of devising policies, to provide equal opportunities to women and men, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said.
Ketidakadilan gender ini harus dientaskan, karena pengelolaan perikanan berkelanjutan hanya bisa berhasil jika melibatkan seluruh elemen masyarakat, termasuk perempuan.
When Dorce Gamalama — a prominent transgender entertainer, singer, talk show host, comedienne and celebrity for the greater part of the last four decades — passed away on 16 February 2022, Indonesians’ ubiquitous WhatsApp groups and other social media platforms exploded with expressions of condolence.
Provincial chief recruits legal experts to fight cases for indigenous people in the restive Indonesian region
Jakarta tightens use of loudspeakers at dawn, limits volume to 100 decibels.
For a minority ethnic group like the Indonesian Chinese, who make up less than two per cent of Indonesia’s population, its history of name-giving has been both colourful and contentious.
The country’s marriage statistics obscure a significant rise in unregistered unions involving children and adolescents.
The 2021 film Penyalin Cahaya (Photocopier), co-written and directed by Wregas Bhanuteja, has recently found itself at the center of the ongoing debate on sexual violence in Indonesia.
Dutch troops used “extreme violence” — often deliberately — during Indonesia’s 1940s war for independence, and military leaders and politicians in the Netherlands largely ignored the excesses, a long-running research project concluded in findings published Thursday.
The House of Representatives has yet to receive an official letter from the government to kick start the deliberation process for the sexual violence bill, House speaker Puan Maharani has said, despite earlier claims that the government had sent the letter.