The panel of policy experts will discuss how President Jokowi and regional government leaders are addressing the COVID-19 crisis, its likely impact to Indonesia’s stagnating economic growth, and how everyday Indonesians respond.
“The Indonesian government has a mess on its hands – one largely of its own making. Sadly, its people will likely pay a very high price for the months its leaders spent denying the obvious.”
The doctor did not rule [Coronavirus] out, but rejected Ms Ratna’s plea for a throat or nasal swab as she was an outpatient. Two other hospitals refused to get her admitted. “All wards are full. No beds,” they said.
In the small window of time remaining before 23 April, it will be vital for Indonesian leaders to collaborate on a pragmatic and clearly articulated response to deal with travellers, and for this plan to be implemented effectively.
The shift in projected rates of economic growth for 2020 has been dramatic: from steady or reasonable, to the prospect of a serious recession. [Analysis – longer read]
“We should still keep in touch [with our family members] on Idul Fitri. We can do so online, by making video calls from our own homes.”
Dr Stoffels said Western nations should be able to survive the worst of the pandemic and his greatest concern was the impact on south-east Asia, Africa and South America.
“Due to their ignorance, we took them to the police station. 3,000 members of the public were required to sign an agreement to not re-offend,” said the Indonesian National Police (Polri) spokesman
On Friday, Morrison advised holiday visa holders and foreign students who are unable to support themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic to return to their home countries as the country looks to reserve economic aid for its own citizens.
Nearly 4,400 burials occurred in March, 40 per cent higher than any month since at least January 2018, according to a Reuters review of statistics.
“Pardon me, Mr. Vice President, the cases that we have today are exponentially higher […] Our testing speed is not as we expected it to be so only a little data has come in…”
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo announced that he would not officially ban people from traveling over the holiday owing to economic concerns.
Since being appointed as one of the institutions handling the covid 19 outbreak, Universitas Airlangga has formed Corona Prevention Task Force and made various efforts, including research, laboratory tests, and healthcare services.
“Our main consideration is to prevent the economy from stopping altogether. After we calculated everything, (having no lockdown) is our best option among a number of flawed options,”
Even with moderate intervention, 48,000 Indonesians could die, but the number could be lowered to 12,000 with “high-intensity intervention”, the University of Melbourne study found.
COVID-19 could and should be a game-changer, and may see improvements to global health regulations making vaccines faster to develop, test and introduce in the future, according to an expert in health policy and law from UWA.