The funds are to strengthen laboratories, improve collection and use of health information, and help to protect patients and health workers at health facilities.
Some people with disabilities are concerned with public information services that are drafted with only able-bodied people in mind as the audience.
South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah has defended his administration’s COVID-19 response in the wake of the recent surge in confirmed cases in the province.
Javanese traditional musicians are among the many artists and performers struggling to survive, or qualify for government payments under COVID restrictions.
Experts have said the pandemic poses little threat to the young but in Indonesia underlying factors have proven deadly.
Trapped between the hidden coral threatening a public health wreck and the exposed rocks of an economic disaster, the government is navigating a high-risk passage.
One of the big problems facing authorities is obtaining a reliable picture on which to base decisions.
Those who can’t afford the premiums may end up being excluded from the health-care system or may have to downgrade their memberships.
“You can have sex. You can get married. But don’t get pregnant,” health workers read from a script. “Dads, please control yourself.”
There were also 40 new deaths, bringing total fatalities to 1,923, said Achmad Yurianto, a ministry official.
The company is prioritising health and hygiene in line with the city administration’s policy, including driver-partners and passengers wearing face masks, and BYO helmets.
Joko Widodo’s “New Normal” policy, intended to reboot Indonesia’s economy, is being rolled out alongside deliberate efforts to obscure the scale of the epidemic’s risk.
After two months without business, the easing of curbs was a welcome relief for many, among them Kusnoto, who for 14 years has run a small street-side restaurant.
Australians have seen a huge increase in telehealth consults since the outbreak of COVID-19 after University of Queensland researchers crunched the numbers from Medicare.
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s approval rating remains high even as the COVID-19 outbreak leads to growing dissatisfaction with his administration and democracy in general.
The West Java administration extended large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in Bogor, Depok and Bekasi (Bodebek) by 28-days, effective Saturday.