This week, AIC Indonesia Director Kevin Evans joined hundreds of thousands of others who received their COVID-19 vaccinations.
A proposal to waive a range of intellectual property measures for COVID-19 vaccines and other health technologies will come before the WTO this week, and Australia must support it.
Gesti Wira Nugrayekti tested positive for coronavirus the day before she prematurely gave birth to a baby boy named Salman earlier this month.
Three weeks later, COVID-19 took her life.
Research from PAIR suggests Indonesia should partner with developed nations, such as Australia, to build resilient and responsive healthcare supply chains involving modern digital technologies.
The pandemic has highlighted deep-rooted problems in health service. Medical workers voicing out their concerns have put governments on the defensive.
Drugmaker AstraZeneca said Saturday it was scouring its supply chain to find more doses of its COVID-19 vaccine for Southeast Asia, which is facing its most serious outbreak yet of the virus.
When Indonesian President Joko Widodo spoke with influential business groups on June 30 to discuss imposing a full-scale lockdown as Covid-19 cases spiked, he was met with widespread resistance.
Many Indonesians and others across Asia getting vaccinated while on vacation — what one tour company has dubbed “Air V&V”.
Indonesia has become the new epicenter of the pandemic, surpassing India and Brazil to become the country with the world’s highest count of new infections.
While COVID-19 has overwhelmed the best healthcare systems in developed nations, resource-limited hospitals in countries such as Indonesia faced even greater, unprecedented challenges.
Ketika COVID-19 membuat sistem pelayanan kesehatan terbaik di negara-negara maju kewalahan, rumah sakit-rumah sakit dengan sumber daya terbatas di negara-negara seperti Indonesia menghadapi tantangan yang lebih besar dan belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya.
The COVID-19 ward at the Jakarta hospital where resident doctor Amira* works is over capacity, but patients continue to arrive at the emergency department around the clock with coronavirus symptoms.
Memasuki bulan keenam vaksinasi COVID-19 di Indonesia, tampaknya pemerintah sulit mencapai target untuk menuntaskan vaksinasi pada 70 persen populasi paling cepat akhir tahun ini dan paling lambat Maret tahun depan.
Gusman Suherman said his father was consumed by coronavirus misinformation and “hoax messages” circulating on text messaging apps in his hometown of Bandung, the capital of West Java, Indonesia, before he died.
It’s been nine days since mother-of-four Seli Aisyah went to visit her parents, despite being warned not to. Now, she and all of her children have tested positive for COVID-19. Her youngest is just 18 months old.
Australia will provide immediate health support to Indonesia as it battles its deadliest COVID-19 wave yet, amid growing pressure on the government to step up its response to the escalating crisis “on its doorstep”.