Differing resource levels at hospitals highlights the risks faced by healthcare workers.
Risiko yang dihadapi oleh petugas kesehatan akibat kesenjangan dan tingkat sumber daya yang berbeda di antara rumah sakit di Indonesia.
PAIR Summit 2021 berbagi gagasan untuk memastikan penguatan sektor pariwisata Indonesia pasca-pandemi.
The 2021 PAIR summit heard several ideas for ensuring a strong Indonesian tourism sector post-pandemic.
Private pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia will be permitted to directly import Covid-19 vaccines to “balance the market”, the country’s health minster told parliament earlier this week.
Indonesia will zero in on strengthening the global health architecture, among others, during its mid-pandemic G20 presidency, according to Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto.
Ben Husen, a journalist from Lhokseumawe in Indonesia’s ultraconservative Aceh Province, has a secret: he has yet to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Authorities in Indonesia have tightened border curbs, extended quarantine and limited movement on strategic toll roads, in a preemptive move to limit the spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant should it reach Southeast Asia’s largest country.
As COVID-19 has spread across the globe, governments everywhere have wrestled with a terrible question: what cost in lives is acceptable in order to keep the economy functioning?
A stigma persists among the uninformed that people living with HIV are unhealthy and irresponsible. Some Indonesians living healthy lives with the condition are taking to social media to fight the negative perceptions.
The Covid-19 Task Force revealed that the surge in cases in Indonesia could penetrate 400,000 cases due to high community mobility, low health protocols, and the emergence of new, more infectious variants of Delta.
Restriction takes effect on Monday; delegates attending G-20 meetings won’t be affected.
Sistem kesehatan di Indonesia telah mengalami kemajuan signifikan dalam dua puluh tahun terakhir. Dari sisi keterjangkauan, jumlah peserta Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional kini telah mencapai lebih dari 82% dari total jumlah penduduk hanya dalam jangka tujuh tahun.
The Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry encourages further research or better understanding of spices for the benefit of health.
The experience of COVID-19 is markedly different for creative economy artists, depending upon resources and ability to operate in a digital environment.
Saving lives from COVID-19 has come at a high cost for medical and health workers in Indonesia, with infections and fatalities commonplace. How can this tragic situation be overcome?