ITS Surabaya’s response to COVID-19 case

(The following is from an email sent to ITS Surabaya’s international Partners)

Due to the raising number of Covid-19 case in Indonesia, Indonesian government has issued an advice on minimalizing gathering and common activities and to work at home. Hence, to ensure the safety of the stakeholders, ITS Surabaya implements complete sterilization on March 16-27, 2020.

During the sterilization, all staff and students have been advised to work from home. Classes are fully cancelled from March 16-23, 2020. Between March 23-27, 2020, classes will be conducted online. Students are advised to get in contact with their lecturers and supervisors for the online-learning process.

Rector circular letter: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 preventative measures at ITS Surabaya

On the basis of:

  1. Letter from the Minister of Health No. HK.02.01/MENKES/199/2020 on 12th March 2020.
  2. Letter from the Minister of Education and Culture No. 3 Year 2020 on 9th March 2020.
  3. Letter from Secretary General of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 35492/A.A5/HK/2020 about the prevention of Corona Virus (Covid-19) on 12th March 2020.
  4. WHO health protocols on 6th March 2020.
  5. Results of coordination meeting of the management of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS Surabaya) on 13th-14th March 2020.

Rector of ITS Surabaya decided the following points:

  1. To prevent the spreading of Covid-19, the following are the preventive measures to be taken at ITS:
    • From 16th March 2020 until 27th March 2020, the campus and all buildings will be closed for sterilization.
    • From 16th March 2020 until 20th March 2020, all activities of ITS are declared non-active. Lectures are cancelled.
    • From 16th March 2020 until 27th March 2020, non-academic staffs are requested to work from home through online or other methods.
    • From 23rd March 2020, lectures are resumed through online methods.
  2.  Academic activities from 23rd March 2020 until 27th March 2020 are performed with the following regulations:
    • Lectures (face to face, structured tasks, and independent tasks) will be conducted online using facilities that have been provided, such as MyITS Classroom, E-Learning, or other media.
    • Laboratory work will be done in other relevant methods.
    • Industrial and lab internships and student or lecturer exchanges will be stopped temporarily.
    • Mid Semester Evaluation will be conducted online.
    • Final project guidance, thesis, and dissertation will be conducted online.
    • Proposal Examination, Final Project Examination, Thesis Examination, and Closed Examination can still be conducted but only attended by students doing the exam and the examiner by complying with Alertness and Precaution Guide of Covid-19 for Academician and Guests of ITS issued by the head of ITS Medical Center.
    • Doctoral open examinations are conducted in the form of a yudisium at the Faculty Advisory Commission (KPF).
  3. All student activities both inside and outside the campus of ITS are temporarily postponed or canceled.
  4. During the two weeks prevention of the spread of Covid-19:
    • All lecturers, non-academic staffs, and students are to proceed with self-quarantine and minimize contact with other people in public places for two weeks.
    • If symptoms of fever, coughing, and breathing trouble are detected, it is encouraged to go to health care facilities, or to RSUA (Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga or Airlangga University Hospital).
  5. Students staying at Asrama Mahasiswa ITS or the ITS student dormitory are encouraged to not proceed with activities that will potentially gather big number of people.
  6. Instructing all management of ITS (Deans, Directors, Head of Bureaus, Head of Departments, and Head of Units) to always coordinate with ITS management as an effort to monitor and prevent Covid-19.
  7. Encouraging all ITS academic communities and non-academic staffs to participate actively in the prevention of the spread of Covid-19, which has been identified as a worldwide pandemic.

To increase the mitigation effectiveness, the Rector has formed the Task Force of the Prevention Acceleration of Covid-19 with the main task to monitor the development of condition and to provide recommendations on ITS policies in relation to the prevention of Covid-19 pandemic.

Actions and policies taken by ITS regarding the handling of Covid-19 will be updated in accordance to the situation and condition, whether on a local scale, on a national scale, or even on a global scale.

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