Guide Book for Preventing COVID-19 from Universitas Airlangga

Universitas Airlangga released a booklet in April to guide community efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, including information about the disease and how it spreads, as well as advice on physical distancing, hygiene, and staying safe as a community.


The booklet draws on UnAir School of Medicine expertise, as well as information from the World Health Organisation, the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the School of Tropical Medicine at Universitas Gadjah Mada, and other sources.

Below is the opening message from UnAir rector Prof. Dr Mohammad Nasih, translated from Bahasa Indonesia, and a link to view or download the PDF version of the booklet (which is all in Bahasa Indonesia).

Read or download the booklet


Opening message from Universitas Airlangga Rector Prof. Dr Mohammad Nasih

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb / Peace be upon you,

In COVID-19, all of us in Indonesia are being tested by Allah SWT.

The government is hard at work, health workers are hard at work, and researchers too are racing to find a vaccine and new treatments. The community is joining the fight by staying at home.

Everyone is praying for success. And we need to foster community spirit and work together. One way of helping involves looking for a solution and a way out of this challenge. I present to you the Guide Book for Preventing COVID-19 by Universitas Airlangga. This mainly serves to share information that can guide us all in responding to COVID-19.

I ask that all academics and community members be proactive in their preventive efforts. Let us work together, pray and look out for one another.

May Allah SWT protect us all,

Surabaya, 22 April 2020

Yours Sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak.
Rektor Universitas Airlangga

Read or download the booklet


Original version

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb,

Kita semua, bangsa Indonesia, tengah diuji oleh Allah SWT melalui COVID-19. Ketakutan, kekhawatiran, dan kesedihan selalu ada dalam diri semua pihak.

Pemerintah tengah berupaya, tenaga kesehatan tengah berusaha, peneliti pun tengah berpacu menemukan vaksin dan obatnya. Masyarakat turut berusaha dengan tetap di rumah saja.

Semua pihak berikhtiar pula. Kebersamaan dan gotong royong harus tetap kita pegang. Sebagai bentuk ikhtiar dan usaha mencari solusi dan jalan keluar atas cobaan ini. Buku Panduan Cegah COVID-19 Universitas Airlangga ini pun kami terbitkan. Terutama sebagai ikhtiar memberikan informasi yang bisa memandu kita semua melawan COVID-19.

Saya memohon agar seluruh sivitas akademika dan masyarakat pro aktif dalam upaya pencegahan. Mari bergotong-royong berikhtiar, saling bahu-membahu, dan tolong menolong.

Semoga Allah SWT melindungi kita semua.

Surabaya, 22 April 2020


Prof. Dr Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak.
Rektor Universitas Airlangga

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