View from the hospital corridor: A blog by Dr Christrijogo

AIC Senior Fellow from Universitas Airlangga, Dr Christrijogo Sumartono (on the right, above), is a practising anaesthetist in his home city of Surabaya, on top of his lecturing and research duties.


Recently, he sent apologies for missing a meeting for the Partnership for Australia-Indonesia Research (PAIR), on which he is a lead researcher. The note included a description of what is happening on the ground in the city of Surabaya, and we found it an important and compelling update. We asked his permission to share it publicly, along with subsequent updates.

This blog from Dr Christrijogo Sumartono gives a snapshot from the COVID-19 front line in Surabaya.


22 June 2021

Dr Chris took time out of his extremely busy schedule to update the AIC on his work. The frank discussion touches on access to PPE, a normal working day, control measures and more.

The video below is in Bahasa Indonesia with English subtitles.

31 July 2020 – Hari Raya Idul Adha

Greetings from Dr Chris and his team…


21 July 2020

As at 21 July the total number of patients treated at the Indrapura Field Hospital in Surabaya is 692, with 91 patients currently in treatment and 601 already sent home.

Dr Chris and his team are staying positive amid long hours and new challenges. Below are photos of the team exercising outside the field hospital. To make them identifiable, staff have names on their personal protective equipment. The third photo shows Dr Chris’s back with the text: ‘Dr Chris. Anaesthetist. The most handsome.’

Hingga 21 Juli 2020, jumlah pasien yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Lapangan Indrapura di Surabaya mencapai 692 orang, dengan 91 pasien saat ini dalam perawatan dan 601 lainnya telah dipulangkan.

Dr Chris dan timnya tetap positif di tengah jam kerja yang panjang dan penuh tantangan baru. Di bawah ini adalah foto-foto mereka berolahraga di sekitar rumah sakit lapangan tersebut. Untuk membuat mereka dapat diidentifikasi, para staf memiliki nama pada peralatan pelindung pribadi masing-masing. Foto ketiga menunjukkan punggung Dr Chris dengan tulisan: ‘Dokter Chris. Anestesi. Paling ganteng.”



19 June 2020

[Note from the AIC] The long period between updates from Dr Chris is due to Surabaya having become the new epicentre of COVID-19 in Indonesia, with the highest rate of confirmed cases in the country with 140 out of every 100,000 people infected. We wish Dr Chris and his team the best.

[Catatan dari AIC] Periode panjang dalam pembaharuan informasi dari Dr Chris disebabkan karena Surabaya telah menjadi pusat penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia dengan tingkat kasus terkonfirmasi tertinggi. Kami berharap yang terbaik untuk Dr Chris dan timnya.


5 June 2020

Currently, I am taking care of 23 COVID-19 patients at the Indrapura COVID-19 Field Hospital. Ten  have already been discharged from there.

Saat ini saya merawat 23 pasien dan telah memulangkan 10 pasien dengan kesembuhan di RS Lapangan Covid Indrapura.


The Indrapura Field Hospital in use in Surabaya. (Credit: Christrijogo Sumartono)


Staff wearing PPE outside the field hospital. (Credit: Christrijogo Sumartono)


25 May 2020

Currently the Indrapura Field Hospital in Surabaya is being built (images below). This hospital has a capacity of 300 beds, and is specifically intended for patients with confirmed positive COVID-19, in anticipation of an explosion in the number of patients that exceeds the capacity of hospitals, especially in the city of Surabaya.

The hospital is located in a government building, at the Health Research Center in the Ministry of Health on Jl Indrapura No 17 Kemayoran Kec. Krembangan Surabaya, 60176.

Original note:

Ini sedang bangun RS lapangan di Surabaya. Rumah Sakit lapangan Indrapura berlokasi di gedung pemerintah, Pusat Riset Kes, milik Kemenkes. Lokasi di Jl indrapura no 17 Kemayoran kecamatan Krembangan Surabaya, 60176.

Kapasitas 300 tempat tidur, untuk merawat pasien terkonfirmasi (+) covid 19. Dibagun untuk menampung ledakan jumlah kasus pasien yang covid (+), yang tidak cukup dirawat di Rumah sakit khususnya di Kota Surabaya.


The Indrapura Field Hospital being prepared for COVID-19 patients in Surabaya. (Credit: Christrijogo Sumartono)


Hand washing stations waiting for use in the new field hospital. (Credit: Christrijogo Sumartono)


14 May 2020

This week there has been an increase in patients being admitted for treatment at hospitals in the city of Surabaya and my province. The area is now under the control of the central government because the total cases of COVID continue to rise. My hospitals (Sutomo Hospital and Airlangga Hospital) have become the main treatment centres for COVID patients. At the moment I am opening a field hospital at Indrapura at the request of the government (like the National Sports Hospital in Jakarta) to treat cases.

It is a disaster in my city and the area of Surabaya.

Original note:

Mingu ini jumlah pasien yang  harus dirawat di Rumah sakit di kota Surabaya, kota dan provinsi kami sedang dalam pengawasan pemerintah pusat (presiden), karena kasus covid yang jumlahnya meningkat, sehingga rumah sakit saya (Sutomo Hospital dan Airlangga Hospital) menjadi tujuan utama untuk pelayanan covid itu, namun saat ini saya sedang membuka Fiel hospital di Indrapura surabaya dan saya dapat tugas itu dari pemerintah (seperti Rumah sakit atlit Jakarta).

Ada musibah di kota dan wilayah saya, Surabaya.


23 April 2020

Previously, we had interviewed Dr Chris over Zoom:

As of yesterday, 22 April 2020, Surabaya has 310 cases of COVID-19. If the number of cases increases, [the system] may get overloaded.

We are a group of seven hospitals working together to anticipate the number of patients that may need care, but it is also up to prevention efforts, so that the number of cases doesn’t grow too high… by working from home, practising social distancing.

Diterjemahkan oleh Fadhilah Trya Wulandari.

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