A rise in food prices has a big impact in a country such as Indonesia, especially in poorer households who spend more than 60 percent of their budget on food.
Australia’s northern cattle trade is in limbo as the industry waits for Indonesia to issue official cattle import permits for 2024.
Indonesia has ordered its military to help farmers plant rice as severe drought reduces output of the staple in South-East Asia’s most populous country, lifting prices, requiring increased imports and threatening food security.
From West Sumatra’s dendeng balado (chilli beef) to North Sulawesi’s spicy chicken rica-rica stew, Indonesian food is never complete without chilli.
Indonesian maggot farmer Rendria Labde spoils his black soldier flies with tasty treats and no wonder: to him, they are warriors fighting an urgent battle against the mounds of food waste threatening to spill over from Jakarta’s landfill.
Indonesia’s wheat imports are expected to rebound in 2023-24, assuming an improved global economy, population growth and increasing demand from the upcoming general election, according to a report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture.
Rumput laut merupakan salah satu komoditas penting yang menyokong kehidupan puluhan ribu rumah tangga di kawasan pesisir Indonesia. Pemerintah pun terus mencari cara dan solusi untuk memperluas serta memodernisasi industri ini.
Early work in using satellite imagery to map seaweed production has shown there is potential for the information to be used in developing policy positions that can have a beneficial impact on the industry.
The sour and spicy noodle broth, traditionally topped with meat or seafood, is the love child of Malaysian, Indonesian and Singaporean cuisine, though each tries to claim it.
The small fishing village of Kurisa is home to the Bajau people, an indigenous group known for being brave sailors, formidable fishermen and reliable divers who live off the sea.
Indonesia is reeling from the spike in rice prices that hit a record high in October, with food stalls and households forced to serve smaller rice portions on plates and buy lower-quality grain.
Penduduk desa Laikang dan Pitusunggu memberikan sambutan hangat kepada peneliti PAIR yang baru saja kembali ke komunitas kecil di Sulawesi Selatan untuk mempresentasikan temuan mereka di industri rumput laut.
Markus Rathsmann has got cattle in his yards at Mt Ringwood Station in the Northern Territory and points out which ones are currently barred from the live export trade to Indonesia.
Indonesian laksas, while sharing a common name, showcase the incredible culinary diversity of the country.
Salah satu kuliner yang telah ditetapkan menjadi warisan budaya adalah sate. Makanan yang ditusuk itu masuk kategori Warisan Budaya Tak Benda (WBTB). Dilansir dari warisanbudaya.kemdikbud.go.id, ada beberapa jenis kuliner sate yang masuk dalam kategori ini.
An additional eight Australian cattle have tested positive to lumpy skin disease after their arrival in Indonesia where the disease is widespread, the Federal Government confirmed yesterday.