In facing global climate uncertainty and world political instability, Indonesia must be more aware of the current situation and always ensure that Indonesia is able to face the challenges of political instability and the global climate.
Digital Economy
Nilai tukar dolar Australia turun lagi melawan rupiah pada perdagangan Kamis, melanjutkan penurunan Rabu kemarin. Rupiah masih bertenaga pada hari jelang pengumuman kebijakan moneter Bank Indonesia.
While the pandemic has shown signs of easing, followed by an expected economic rebound, the possible food crisis will be another global Read more
The digital economy, commodities and international trade in Southeast Asia were discussed during a webinar organised by the Asia Society.
An Indonesian farm-to-table e-commerce start-up that gives fishermen direct access to global consumers, fetching fair prices for their catch, has become a multi-million company, working with more than 26,000 fishermen across 150 fishing communities.
Firms have increasingly been using e-commerce, digital platforms, track-and-trace procedures and iterations of traditionally face-to-face product lines to maintain sales.
A webinar entitled Indonesia and Australia: SDG’s Supported Sustainable Economic Transformation, hosted by Monash University and XSPI, addressed themes of trade, sustainability and the digital economy.
Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan met with the CEO of Tesla Inc. Elon Musk at GigaFactory, Austin, Texas, United States. Luhut claimed that the meeting made Elon interested in the potential of Indonesia’s nickel industry.
Indonesia tech giant GoTo made its market debut with its initial public offering (IPO) – the world’s fifth-largest this year, raising US$1.1 billion and generating a market capitalisation at US$28 billion.
Crypto assets ownership in Indonesia was among the highest globally as many investors in the country look at digital assets as a protection against future inflation, according to a study by crypto exchange Gemini.
Despite successes, sustainability in the Indonesian video game industry isn’t guaranteed; Eka Pramudita of Mojiken Studio estimated the average lifespan of a local development studio to be only five years.
The Indonesian MotoGP became the most popular sporting event held in the country since the pandemic halted all normal activities.
The unorthodox proposal comes after Japan’s SoftBank opts not to invest in a project estimated to cost $32bn.
The world has seen Indonesian e-sports players win championships. The only thing left is for other Indonesians to see its greatness as they do other sports.
The golden era of Indonesia’s digital economy has been keenly anticipated. After 2021, it appears closer than ever.
A webinar run by the Australia-Indonesia Centre has heard how e-commerce giant Bukalapak invested in Australia to access skills and talent.