India and China get the plaudits, but Indonesia is also taking impressive digital strides capitalising on local talent.
Digital Economy
Everything you think, see, say, and do is related to digital in some way, in this era where digital has swept every corner of our lives.
Eighty-four per cent of Indonesian small businesses expect to grow in 2023, the second highest result for the Asia-Pacific region, a new survey shows.
Through close collaborations with Purity Ring’s Corin Roddick, the Indonesian-Australian artist has crafted an atmospheric, emo and rap-inspired pop sound that evokes images of a computerised landscape.
Indonesia’s PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia (GOTO.JK) has sold its stake in local retailer Alfamart worth 1.5 trillion rupiah, after the tech firm announced its strategy to focus on accelerating profitability.
Peneliti asal Australia, Kevin Evans, di Jakarta pada Senin (28/11), mengatakan Indonesia dan Australia memiliki potensi besar untuk bekerja sama di sektor energi terbarukan.
Indonesia is targeting to build its first Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for health and tourism in Bali Province’s Sanur area that integrates the two sectors and to further solidify Indonesia’s healthcare architecture.
Indonesia would need 17 million technologically literate workers, or workers who are able to use and manage technology, State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir said.
The United States Federal Reserve could be close to a tipping point. Its aggressive monetary tightening in the past few months has failed to push inflation lower as it is caused by the fundamental shortage of goods in energy and labor.
Data pribadi ribuan mahasiswa internasional kini berisiko disalahgunakan, setelah serangan peretasan ke salah satu perusahaan penyedia layanan asuransi terbesar di Australia.
After securing at least US$100,000 worth of deals through a recent major trade fair in Germany, Indonesian game developers are eying the next level in their quest for a greater role in the booming industry.
After securing at least US$100,000 worth of deals through a recent major trade fair in Germany, Indonesian game developers are eying the next level in their quest for a greater role in the booming industry.
While the Indonesian tech sector is growing rapidly, the level of skilled workers is struggling to keep up. But that is where the opportunities lie.
Direktur Utama PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo meyakini bahwa transisi penggunaan kendaraan bermotor listrik di Indonesia akan terjadi secara alamiah dan optimal seiring dengan pemerataan edukasinya.
Should your community welcome digital nomads – individuals who work remotely, allowing them freedom to bounce from country to country?
Indonesia is hosting the 14th World Esports Championship, the annual e-sports tournament held by the International Esports Federation (IESF), for the second time since 2016 with more than 120 countries participating.