Meningkatnya kasus positif COVID-19 di Indonesia dalam dua bulan terakhir sangat mengkhawatirkan karena bisa meningkatkan jumlah kematian, meruntuhkan layanan kesehatan di rumah sakit, dan memperpanjang masa pandemi.
Memasuki bulan keenam vaksinasi COVID-19 di Indonesia, tampaknya pemerintah sulit mencapai target untuk menuntaskan vaksinasi pada 70 persen populasi paling cepat akhir tahun ini dan paling lambat Maret tahun depan.
Gusman Suherman said his father was consumed by coronavirus misinformation and “hoax messages” circulating on text messaging apps in his hometown of Bandung, the capital of West Java, Indonesia, before he died.
Indonesia has lost its prized upper middle-income status after only a year, as Southeast Asia’s largest coronavirus outbreak reverses gains in poverty and employment.
It’s been nine days since mother-of-four Seli Aisyah went to visit her parents, despite being warned not to. Now, she and all of her children have tested positive for COVID-19. Her youngest is just 18 months old.
Australia will provide immediate health support to Indonesia as it battles its deadliest COVID-19 wave yet, amid growing pressure on the government to step up its response to the escalating crisis “on its doorstep”.
To combat the country’s worst COVID-19 case surge yet, which peaked at more than 27,000 new cases on Saturday, the government has pinned its hopes on a new, modified round of COVID-19 restrictions.
Dozens of coronavirus patients died after a public hospital on Indonesia’s main island of Java ran out of liquid oxygen amid a nationwide surge in COVID-19 cases, a hospital official said Sunday.
Indonesia has ordered oxygen-makers to prioritise medical needs amid growing demand from Covid-19 patients, the government said on 4 July, following more than 60 deaths in a hospital where supply of the life-saving gas was almost exhausted.
Indonesia’s top ride-hailing and e-commerce companies are already “well integrated” to navigate a looming lockdown as COVID-19 cases in the country surge, GoTo President Patrick Cao said at webinar hosted by the Financial Times and Nikkei on Tuesday.
When the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread into Central Sulawesi in early 2020, two challenges landed on the desk of local food seller, Yuyun, at the same time. They affected both sides of her balance sheet.
Tents have popped up and spaces repurposed as hospitals in Jakarta find themselves barely coping with the soaring numbers of Covid-19 patients that have also left medical workers with fatigue and burnout.
Health authorities reported 14,536 new COVID-19 cases on Monday, the highest daily rise since the pandemic hit the country last year, as Indonesia passed the 2 million confirmed cases mark.
COVID-19 has brought unprecedented challenges worldwide. Our analysis focuses on four aspects of the pandemic’s impact on seaweed farming communities in Maros, Barru and Pangkep in South Sulawesi.
AIC Senior Fellow from Universitas Airlangga, Dr Christrijogo Sumartono, is a practising anaesthetist in his home city of Surabaya.
Pandemi COVID-19 sangat mempengaruhi sektor kesehatan di Indonesia, negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Salah satu dampak yang paling serius adalah tingginya angka infeksi dan kematian di kalangan tenaga kesehatan.