Mondelez announced it has completed a $23 million expansion of its Oreo cookies production line in Cikarang, Indonesia, a project the company said significantly increases its Oreo production capacity to meet growing local and export demand in 35 countries.
PT Tbk resmi mengangkat Willix Halim sebagai Chief Executive Officer (CEO) perseroan yang baru.
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officiated the export of the first batch of cars from Indonesia to the Australian market.
For a few months, Jakarta fried snack vendor Sumarno had struggled to secure cooking oil.
The central government has admitted that Bali’s GDP is still heavily affected by the pandemic though other Indonesian provinces have begun to see economic recovery.
Laporan mendalam tentang pekerja senior yang tidak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan hingga terpaksa melawan kecerdasan mesin, misalnya transformasi digital pada perbankan.
Senior HR leaders talk us through the skilling landscape in Indonesia – setting priorities, building in-house talent and managing screen fatigue.
Indonesian agritech startups are increasingly drawing significant investor interest as they carve out their expansion plans to address inefficiencies in the agricultural supply chain in the country.
A spike in commodity prices in traditional exports of coal and palm oil has boosted Indonesia’s trade surplus for 2021.
It may sound fantastical, but what if I told you some of Australia’s most important diplomatic work took place about 15km outside of Braidwood?
A spike in commodity prices in traditional exports of coal and palm oil has boosted Indonesia’s trade surplus for 2021.
The Indonesian unicorn’s first international base aims to recruit new talent and will also serve as an L&D centre for Australian & Indonesian engineers who specialise in analytics, AI and R&D.
Para peneliti yang bergabung dalam PAIR Summit 2021 membahas isu terkait data kesehatan dan bagaimana mendapatkan keseimbangan yang tepat antara penguatan kesehatan dan memungkinkan ekonomi berfungsi dengan baik di waktu yang sama, serta bagaimana sektor bisnis Indonesia bertahan selama pandemi.
Researchers at the PAIR summit discussed health data, getting the balance right between health measures and allowing the economy to function and how the Indonesian business sector has coped during the pandemic.
Indonesia opened up two islands close to Singapore to visitors from the city-state on Monday, officials said, as part of calibrated moves to reboot its tourism sector while controlling the spread of COVID-19.
Many Australians are probably unaware that neighbouring Indonesia has assumed the G20 presidency and will host the crucial meeting of the world’s largest economies for the first time in October.