“Pardon me, Mr. Vice President, the cases that we have today are exponentially higher […] Our testing speed is not as we expected it to be so only a little data has come in…”
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo announced that he would not officially ban people from traveling over the holiday owing to economic concerns.
Since being appointed as one of the institutions handling the covid 19 outbreak, Universitas Airlangga has formed Corona Prevention Task Force and made various efforts, including research, laboratory tests, and healthcare services.
“Our main consideration is to prevent the economy from stopping altogether. After we calculated everything, (having no lockdown) is our best option among a number of flawed options,”
Even with moderate intervention, 48,000 Indonesians could die, but the number could be lowered to 12,000 with “high-intensity intervention”, the University of Melbourne study found.
Established in 2016, the TaniHub platform handles order management, logistics support, and financing options for about 30,000 farmers.
“Tax subjects like Netflix or Zoom are not [physically] present in Indonesia but are used by everyone. This could be the subject of our foreign taxes.”
COVID-19 could and should be a game-changer, and may see improvements to global health regulations making vaccines faster to develop, test and introduce in the future, according to an expert in health policy and law from UWA.
The volunteers will help inform authorities about the pandemic in the country’s almost 75,000 villages, collect data on people exhibiting symptoms of infection and enforce social distancing rules.
Despite the government’s efforts to defend employment and the economy, the second line of defence needs to be housing – keeping renters and mortgage holders in their homes.
Located on a chain of islands off Sumatra and south of Singapore, the new hospital includes 360 additional hospital beds, isolation facilities and helipads.
The online map, which sources its data from every subdistrict across the province, is intended to increase public awareness of the gravity of the current situation.
In Medan, North Sumatra, a plucky team of students from GMKI, or the Indonesian Students’ Christian Movement, have stepped in to fill a gap in the city’s crisis response. They have started making their own hand sanitiser.
From warungs to unicorns, businesses are reeling from the multiple risks, changes and unknowns that have stemmed from the spread of the novel Coronavirus.
Some referral hospitals for COVID-19 in Surabaya have reported a lack of protective gear for medical personnel who handle patients suspected of having been infected with the virus.
“I’m making myself available in the mornings to listen to anyone but I try to do science in the afternoon, whether it’s looking at theory or checking calculations.” [Free registration]