Until now, medical record data in Indonesia was only held by health facilities. Patients would only be able to get a copy of the documents, but were not able to access this data online.
Helen Brown
Last year, Indonesia and G7 announced a new energy transition funding mechanism called the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). However, Indonesia’s 2024 general elections and the oligarchy have added uncertainty to its implementation.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s right-hand man Luhut Pandjaitan has been dubbed a “Mr Fix-it”, but his new role as a peace envoy to Myanmar is unlikely to be an issue he can solve, analysts say, as the junta’s once high regard for its neighbour’s military has long diminished.
The world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation, Indonesia, which, while being forthright in defending the rights of Muslims elsewhere in the world, has been seen as passive in defending the rights of Uyghur Muslims.
In a village on the Indonesian island of Java, eight men are wielding saws and machetes with practiced precision, preparing long bamboo poles that they will use to defend their embattled community.
Through close collaborations with Purity Ring’s Corin Roddick, the Indonesian-Australian artist has crafted an atmospheric, emo and rap-inspired pop sound that evokes images of a computerised landscape.
Para peneliti senior dari program Australia-Indonesia Centre untuk meningkatkan kondisi kesehatan telah menyampaikan temuan mereka kepada Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia dan Komite Nasional Disabilitas.
Armed with the world’s largest reserves of nickel and a ban on the export of nickel ore, Indonesia is making itself indispensable for the electric vehicle industry, which uses the metal extensively.
Salah satu faktor yang menjadi penyumbang penurunan Indeks Persepsi Korupsi (IPK) Indonesia pada 2022 adalah Political Risk Service (PRS) International Country Risk Guide atau risiko politik dalam sebuah negara.
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in a statement he pledged to evaluate Indonesia’s corruption eradication system after the country’s corruption perception index in 2022 dropped four points from 38 to 34, based on the study by Transparency International Indonesia.
The Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) is pleased to announce six new Indonesian appointments to its advisory board, each providing a wealth of specialist knowledge and experience.
Peneliti asal Australia, Kevin Evans, di Jakarta pada Senin (28/11), mengatakan Indonesia dan Australia memiliki potensi besar untuk bekerja sama di sektor energi terbarukan.
Lead researchers from an Australia-Indonesia Centre program on improving health outcomes have outlined their findings to Indonesia’s Ministry of Health and the National Committee on Disability.
Working together to deliver long-term and sustainable partnerships is the aim of the PAIR Lab, a research initiative of Universitas Hasanuddin and the Australia-Indonesia Centre.
PAIR Lab, sebuah inisiatif kerja sama riset dari Universitas Hasanuddin dan Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) didirikan untuk memastikan kesinambungan riset di Sulawesi Selatan.
Pricing strategy and subsidies are crucial components of the new South Sulawesi railway, with a conference in Jakarta hearing that support is necessary for both freight and passenger rail in the project’s early stages.