The Australia Indonesia Centre’s senior advisory group has given enthusiastic support to the work and findings of the transportation team.
Monash University researchers have taken a giant leap towards claiming a renewable energy by creating a new lithium-sulfur battery
Civil 20 (C20) Indonesia digelar sebagai komitmen untuk mendengarkan aspirasi masyarakat sipil dunia dalam menjalankan mandat Presidensi G20.
A new paper takes a look at how effective restrictions by consumer countries are likely to be on influencing positive change in producer countries.
Matya — a Dreamtime story passed to Bidjara, Kara-Kara and South-Sea Islander woman has been brought to life in a performance at the globally celebrated Women of the World Festival.
Ketidakadilan gender ini harus dientaskan, karena pengelolaan perikanan berkelanjutan hanya bisa berhasil jika melibatkan seluruh elemen masyarakat, termasuk perempuan.
“We plan to get 100 percent of the target population vaccinated by at least a single dose in the end of March,” Health Ministry spokeswoman Siti Nadia Tarmizi said.
After the Western allies have imposed sanctions against Russia, the world has to face soaring oil and other commodity prices, and other economic disruption across the globe.
As Omicron cases climb rapidly, Indonesia tries to learn from its devastating Delta outbreak
Bank Indonesia governor revealed that Indonesia’s economy in 2022 will likely need more time to recover after a huge blow from Covid-19
An Indonesian palm oil company stripped of its permit at the start of the year has since been actively clearing forest in its concession.
The country’s marriage statistics obscure a significant rise in unregistered unions involving children and adolescents.
A team of Australia-Indonesia Centre researchers working on health issues has travelled to parts of South Sulawesi to meet leaders and explain the value of their work.
Tim peneliti Australia-Indonesia Centre di bidang kesehatan mengunjungi tiga kabupaten di Sulawesi Selatan untuk menemui para pimpinan daerah dan menjelaskan nilai penelitian mereka.
Lily Hambali’s workshop makes traditional costumes for the Chinese lion dance, locally known as barongsai. His dancing lions can be seen all around Indonesia, and even overseas.
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officiated the export of the first batch of cars from Indonesia to the Australian market.