A rise in food prices has a big impact in a country such as Indonesia, especially in poorer households who spend more than 60 percent of their budget on food.
David Sexton
The global marine aquarium trade has created new local markets across the planet, including in Indonesia, now the second-largest exporting country of marine aquarium fish in the world.
Australia’s northern cattle trade is in limbo as the industry waits for Indonesia to issue official cattle import permits for 2024.
Despite existing regulations safeguarding their rights, some Indigenous communities in Indonesia must rely on ancient wisdom to ward off developers.
Indonesia’s National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) is working with the Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection of the Federal Republic of Germany to reduce land and sea degradation in Indonesia.
Sulawesi has been recognised as a key economic corridor by successive governments of Indonesia under national development plans.
Over 60% of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) affecting humans have animal origins, with the majority originating from wildlife.
Jakarta is proposing to sell anti-submarine aircraft to Manila even as it expresses interest in acquiring Chinese naval missiles.
Indonesia is putting its hopes in the Chinese New Year holidays to attract over 14 million foreign tourists this year.
The increasing popularity of seaweed farming in Indonesia has brought an environmental challenge as the industry has come to rely heavily on plastic bottles for buoyancy to hold up seaweed lines.
Since the beginning of Israel’s invasion of Gaza, Indonesia has shown a strong sense of solidarity towards Palestine.
Tokyo to remove tariffs on processed fishery items, sides to improve banking relations.
Prabowo’s political trajectory is a case study of resilience and reinvention. Throughout his long career he has faced accusations of war crimes, incompetence and even treason – and yet his detractors have never managed to end his political influence.
Indonesia’s upcoming presidential elections will be boring, despite plenty of drama on the surface.
Japanese companies today favor investing in Southeast Asia as Tokyo’s economy slows, according to Shujiro Urata, a senior research advisor to the president of the think-tank Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
Indonesia has ordered its military to help farmers plant rice as severe drought reduces output of the staple in South-East Asia’s most populous country, lifting prices, requiring increased imports and threatening food security.