Within the Southeast Asia Region, Indonesia has the highest birth rates among adolescent females from the ages of 15 to 19 according to a research report on adolescent pregnancy in West Java and Central Sulawesi published in the United States National Library of Medicine on Oct. 27, 2023.
David Sexton
Researchers from The University of Western Australia have helped identify and measure how Indonesian communities will be impacted by a major project to link some of the country’s rural areas with major urban centres and lift living standards across Indonesia.
In the debate, the presidential candidates expressed their respective visions and missions regarding Indonesia’s defense and security problems which they would later raise.
The Indonesian Trade Ministry recorded transactions amounting to US$13.16 million at the Arab Health medical equipment exhibition on January 29-February 1, 2024, at the Dubai World Trade Center (DWTC), the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Transparansi Internasional merilis Indeks Persepsi Korupsi (CPI) tahunannya. Sayangnya, untuk ketiga kalinya dalam empat tahun terakhir, Indonesia terpuruk. Hasill ini jelas merupakan Read more
Rendang is a wildly popular dish that has been passed around different Indonesian islands and other Pacific Rim nations like Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia, each of which give the stew their own twist.
Plans to introduce 40-75 percent tax rate for entertainment services prompt fierce backlash from businesses.
Indonesia, the world’s second-largest seaweed producer, plans to introduce a nationwide export ban on seaweed, following a ban at a provincial level in 2022.
Digital technology can play an important role in increasing the accessibility of information for people with disabilities (PwD).
Kevin Evans examines some concerning trends regarding corruption in Indonesia.
Presidential Debate: Ganjar Pranowo Pledges to Build Health Facilities in Every Village in Indonesia
Presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Prabowo promised to build health facilities in every village in Indonesia during the 5th Presidential Debate.
Timor Leste Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao expressed gratitude to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo for the strong support extended by Indonesia towards Timor Leste’s bid to join ASEAN, during his first-ever visit to the Bogor Palace.
Indonesia’s economy grew 5.0% in the fourth quarter from a year earlier, supported by resilient domestic consumption, despite exports shrinking and commodity prices falling, a Reuters poll of 23 economists found.
People exchanges between the two countries will deepen the economic partnership, regardless of leadership change.
In March 2021, Davis Marthin Damaledo set out on foot accompanied by his father, Dantje, to pursue his childhood fascination with the natural world around his home in eastern Indonesia.
Hugely-popular band Slank have endorsed presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo but fans could be more fickle.