David Sexton

Semangat untuk hubungan bilateral. Mengenang Harold Mitchell dan karyanya dalam menyatukan masyarakat dan budaya Australia dan Indonesia.

Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) telah kehilangan salah seorang pendukung yang paling berkomitmen dan dihormati dengan wafatnya pengusaha dan filantropis Harold Mitchell secara mendadak. Selama sepuluh tahun, Harold membantu mengarahkan AIC sebagai Ketua Dewan Penasihat. Beliau adalah ketua pertama sekaligus pendiri dari Dewan Penasihat AIC yang dibentuk pada April 2014. Karya serta kepribadiannya telah menyentuh banyak orang.

A passion for the bilateral relationship. Remembering Harold Mitchell AC and his work in bringing together the people and cultures of Australia and Indonesia

The Australia-Indonesia Centre has lost one of its most committed and cherished supporters with the unexpected death of businessman and philanthropist Harold Mitchell AC. For ten years Harold helped steer the AIC as chair of its advisory board. He was the inaugural and founding chair since the board was formed in April 2014 and his work and personality touched many. The board met on Monday 25 March to share reflections on his legacy and working with him. In honour of Harold Mitchell’s commitment we asked those who worked with him across the decade to provide their thoughts.

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