According to Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Muhammad Ali, 38 countries and 19 foreign warships took part in the 5th Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo 2025 (MNEK) on Sunday in Tanjung Benoa Waters, Bali.
David Sexton
Climate change is putting the future of palm oil production at risk, as extreme heat threatens the survival of Elaeidobius kamerunicus, the primary pollinating beetle for oil palm.
The shooting of five Indonesian irregular migrant workers in Malaysia in the past week has sparked public concern. Of the five victims, one has died.
The National Museum of Indonesia (MNI) is captivating audiences once again with an exhibition that delves into the country’s rich history.
On Feb. 10, Indonesia rolled out a large-scale free medical screening program, fulfilling one of his campaign promises. Under the initiative, Indonesians of all ages can now receive annual checkups to detect cardiovascular diseases, congenital disorders in children, and other conditions early.
Artificial intelligence has become an inseparable part of human life. This is the main driver in the digital revolution we are experiencing.
Today I announce the appointment of Ms Lydia Santoso as Chair of the Australia-Indonesia Institute.
Direktur Indonesia untuk AIC, Kevin Evans, mengkaji pro dan kontra sistem presidensial dan parlementer. Hal ini menyusul komentar Presiden Prabowo Subianto tahun lalu bahwa pemerintahan negara seharusnya kembali ke sistem parlementer. Dalam analisis 5.000 kata ini, Evans menjawab cara terbaik untuk menyusun peran kepala negara dan kepala pemerintahan, dan apakah harus ada posisi presiden dan perdana menteri yang terpisah.
The AIC’s Indonesia director Kevin Evans examines the pros and cons of presidential and parliamentary systems. This follows comments last year by President Prabowo Subianto that governance of the country should return to some form of parliamentary system.
In this 5000-word analysis, Evans answers how best to structure the roles of head of state and head of government, and whether there should be separate positions of president and prime minister.
The Indonesian Ministry of Health has achieved international recognition for its pioneering digital health transformation, winning the Gold Award in the public sector category at the 2025 ASEAN Digital Awards.
Suara Dance (formerly Suara Indonesia Dance) Group presents an energetic fusion of dance, body percussion and songs with modern Indonesian nuances in Australia.
Active and independent foreign policy remains the doctrine clearly upheld by the three Indonesian presidential candidates last year, writes His Excellency Dr Siswo Pramono.
Indonesia’s ambitious push toward clean energy is facing new uncertainty after the United States again withdrew from the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the rise of global temperatures from carbon emissions.
Indonesian authorities on Tuesday escorted an ailing French national who has been on death row in the Southeast Asian country to the airport in Jakarta as his return to France got underway following an agreement between the two nations.
In his inaugural speech on 20 October 2024, President Prabowo Subianto stressed that Indonesia’s democracy must be ‘uniquely Indonesian’, rooted in the country’s history and culture.
Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy, welcomed 13.9 million foreign tourists in 2024, marking a 19% year-on-year increase and the highest figure over the past five years.