Much more needs to be done about illegal logging – it’s cost Indonesia billions of US dollars in revenue.
Aimee Harman
Sri Mulyani said that the sweeping reforms, intended to boost investment and stoke growth in the the sluggish economy, would be part of the omnibus law that the government was currently finalizing.
Indonesian women are rapidly adapting to e-money, with 86 percent of all internet-connected women using digital payment services, which is much higher than just 32 percent in 2017.
“I have ordered my minister (of administrative and bureaucratic reform) to replace them with AI. Our bureaucracy will be faster with AI,” said Jokowi.
“Sexual violence can no longer be denied. That is the victory that we have achieved [after three years of fighting]. The public and the House can no longer deny it.”
Indonesia’s power grid is being pushed to its limits, which is a challenge for information-based enterprises that rely on a constant availability of data to get through the day.
“As we all know, Indonesia needs more motorcycles than cars. This means that we need to focus on producing electric motorcycles.”
The development risks fragmenting the habitat of endangered and endemic species like the black macaque. Hundreds of families have also been relocated without compensation to make way for the project.
Terrorists in West Java planned to use a biological toxic agent in a bomb attack. What does this signify for the bioterrorism threat in Indonesia?
ITS has established dual degree cooperation with the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia through the Business Management department.
The risk of stunting is multifactorial. The main cause is chronic malnutrition the first 1.000 days of life, since the conception until 2 years of age.
Universitas Airlangga has established cooperation with the Indonesian Drug and Food Monitoring Agency (BPOM).
“I have some concerns … As the borrowers may find themselves in financial distress (if) they are unable to repay.”
For divers, the millions of harmless jellyfish in an Indonesian lake are must-see novelties. For scientists, the warmer, more acidic and less oxygenated water is “a projection of our future climate.”
Financial wellbeing centres on the idea that people should be able to not just survive, but thrive – meeting their expenses and having money left over.
More alarming for Indonesia, climate change threatens not only its glaciers but also its vast seas, which make up around 70% of the country’s area and are much deeper than the height of Jayawijaya Mountains.