Digital technology can play an important role in increasing the accessibility of information for people with disabilities (PwD).
Kevin Evans examines some concerning trends regarding corruption in Indonesia.
A rise in food prices has a big impact in a country such as Indonesia, especially in poorer households who spend more than 60 percent of their budget on food.
Sulawesi has been recognised as a key economic corridor by successive governments of Indonesia under national development plans.
The increasing popularity of seaweed farming in Indonesia has brought an environmental challenge as the industry has come to rely heavily on plastic bottles for buoyancy to hold up seaweed lines.
The Australia-Indonesia Centre has been awarded a project under Katalis to assess nursing education standards across the two countries and how they may be harmonised to allow Indonesian nurses to work in Australia.
Since the most recent conflict erupted between Israel and Gaza following the October 7 Hamas’ attacks and Israel’s subsequent mass bombings of the Gaza strip, the Indonesian public and government have overwhelmingly condemned Israel’s actions.
Governments, corporate actors, community organisations and schools are increasingly relying on digital interventions to engage with their citizens, stakeholders, consumers and students.
A new railway line being built in the province of South Sulawesi has the potential to change both social mobility and economic growth. In that context, this study looked at the important role of policy coordination and communication in making the railway a success.
Rumput laut merupakan salah satu komoditas penting yang menyokong kehidupan puluhan ribu rumah tangga di kawasan pesisir Indonesia. Pemerintah pun terus mencari cara dan solusi untuk memperluas serta memodernisasi industri ini.
The Indonesian word ‘pemuda’, or young person, has a complex meaning and history. Like in other languages and cultures, the term conjures up images of change and vitality. But in Indonesia, it also carries militaristic and masculine connotations which are coloured by the way it was used during the New Order era.
The new and first railway line in the province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia was initially proposed for freight and industrial mobilisation but its function can be further expanded to include public transport and boost various economic sectors, including ecotourism.
Australia-Indonesia Centre berduka dan kehilangan atas wafatnya seorang rekan yang kita hormati, Profesor Ariel Liebman. Kemitraan Ariel dengan AIC dimulai segera Read more
Early work in using satellite imagery to map seaweed production has shown there is potential for the information to be used in developing policy positions that can have a beneficial impact on the industry.
It is with great sadness that the Australia-Indonesia Centre has been advised of the passing of a respected colleague, Professor Ariel Liebman.
A formal partnership agreement now provides a structured mechanism for XSPI and AIC to closely collaborate to support initiatives and goals.