Peneliti Andi Masyitha Irwan berusaha mewujudkan harapan dan perubahan melalui pekerjaannya dengan Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC).
Indonesia is set to move its capital Jakarta, just like Indonesia’s Dutch colonial rulers did more than 200 years ago.
The AIC was established by the Indonesian and Australian governments in 2014 and under the current program it brings together resources and investment from eleven universities to examine on-the-ground challenges and find policy solutions.
A video of a western man wearing batik and speaking fluent Javanese went viral on Facebook a few years ago.
By examining the major industrial facility of the port of Makassar we have found significant gaps in digital literacy between the education system and industrial needs, as well as within the current workforce.
The ReelOzInd! Australia Indonesia Short Film Competition and Festival has brought joy to fans of cinema and now it is poised to Read more
New research being conducted by the Partnership for Australia-Indonesia Research (PAIR) examines important themes of education, health, and safety in the family setting.
The building of infrastructure such as ports, railway lines, airports and roads presents many exciting opportunities, especially in areas that have not experienced this kind of development before.
The expectation is high that a new railway line connecting Makassar to Parepare will seamlessly link communities and boost economic growth in South Sulawesi.
Harapan yang tinggi bahwa jalur kereta api baru yang menghubungkan Makassar ke Parepare akan menghubungkan masyarakat dengan lancar dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Sulawesi Selatan.
Ide-ide besar untuk pengembangan kerjasama Sulawesi Selatan dan Australia-Indonesia telah dituangkan dalam konferensi di Makassar yang dihadiri oleh para pimpinan industri, pemerintah dan pendidikan.
A PAIR team has advocated for vocational skills alignment in South Sulawesi by submitting several policy recommendations to the Indonesian directorate of vocational education.
The head of South Sulawesi’s fisheries division is looking for innovation that will help create sustainable sea-based industries.
Grand ideas for the development of South Sulawesi and Australia-Indonesia cooperation have been outlined during a conference in Makassar attended by leaders of industry, government and education.
The culmination of four years of work under major Partnership for Australia-Indonesia Research (PAIR) projects overseen by the Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) were presented to the Australian Embassy in Jakarta earlier this month.
The Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) is pleased to announce six new Indonesian appointments to its advisory board, each providing a wealth of specialist knowledge and experience.