AIC Indonesia Director Kevin Evans on the growth of Australian studies courses in Indonesia.
This week, AIC Indonesia Director Kevin Evans joined hundreds of thousands of others who received their COVID-19 vaccinations.
Giving women the opportunity to learn and apply digital skills is a critical step to Indonesia’s post-covid economic growth, according to panelists Read more
Indonesia has taken an economic hit from COVID-19 with early figures showing a sharp pull back last year.
Indonesia terkena dampak ekonomi dari COVID-19 dengan angka awal menunjukkan penurunan tajam tahun lalu.
The second wave of the coronavirus pandemic has brought technocrats and governments together to start looking at a very different future for our cities.
The Indonesian government has signed into effect the implementing regulations for its massive and complex job creation law, which means the government is on track to meet the ambitious targets set in the law.
Pemerintah Indonesia telah menandatangani 49 peraturan pelaksanaan untuk Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja yang masif dan kompleks.
Indonesia telah mengalami kemunduran dalam indeks persepsi korupsi setelah kemajuan yang konsisten selama hampir 20 tahun.
Indonesia has gone backwards on an index of corruption after almost 20 years of making consistent progress.
The national population in 2020 reached 270.2 million people. This translated to an annual increase of 1.25% which represents a continuation of a 50 year trend in decelerating population growth.